The Divine Mercy

Written by McDonald, T. | Date 31st of January 2021 What is the Divine Mercy? The Divine Mercy chaplet is a Catholic devotion to the Divine Mercy of God. St Faustina was visited by Jesus in visions and He gave her instructions for a painting and the chaplet of Divine Mercy. The painting is of Christ with rays of light emitting from his heart and the words, 'Trust in Jesus' at the bottom. The Divine Mercy chaplet is an extremely powerful prayer used to combat the evil in the world. It is easy to learn since it uses some well known prayers. What is the Chaplet for? According to the University of Glasgow (n.d.), " ...the main purpose of Chaplet of Divine Mercy is to appease the Just Anger of the Holy Trinity. " The chaplet is a prayer we can say to ask God to forgive us and heal us. It shows that God unlike us is willing to forgive. We can use this prayer to pray for others and not just those in our families: we can use it to pr...