Written by McDonald, T. | Date 27th of August 2021 Abstract After browsing the internet looking for ideas of what to make next, I started to notice people talking about banana blossom and using it to make vegan battered fish and chips. At first, I was reluctant to try it because of the frying aspect, but I liked the sound of this so decided to have a go at making this dish myself. However, I have never made batter before let alone battered banana blossom. With this in mind, I decided to solve this problem by researching it online and in the library. My intention was to compare different recipes for batter, battered fish and battered banana blossom in order to create a new recipe that was low in fat and completely vegan. Subsequently, I chose to go with the shallow fry option to keep the flavour but reduce the fat. In order to complete the project, I run tests on the batter to ensure its success, which was a great idea in solving the la...