How To Go Vegan: Full Guide
By McDonald, T. | Updated 29th of October 2023 Veganism is growing rapidly in popularity in the UK and the rest of the world. In fact, the UK has been the top producer of vegan products in recent years. This growth has been attributed to meat free Monday and veganuary, so with veganuary coming up you might want to give veganism a try. If you are looking to be a vegan, you will undoubtedly have questions such as how do I start? What should I look for? First things first, if you are serious about being a vegan it would be wise to sign up to this blog, so click on the subscribe button and use the labels in the side bar to locate specific topics or you can even use the search bar at the top of this page. Even if you are reading this long after I wrote it, please note that I keep it updated. Next, you can start to think about what we actually mean by vegan and then look at you whole life. This blog will guide you through the first stages of becoming ...