Vegan Seder Plate
Written by McDonald, T. | Date 10th of April 2021 [you need to set the date] Passover is to remember how the Israelites escaped from the Pharaoh. The story starts with the ten plagues of Egypt, which are: The sea turning to blood The plague of frogs The plague of lice The plague of flies The plague on the livestock The plague of boils The plague of hail The plague of locusts The plague of darkness The death of the first born After the tenth plague, the pharaoh frees the Israelites, but then changes his mind and chases after them with his army. Mosses calls on God and the sea parts allowing the Israelites to escape while the Pharaoh and his army are swept away. Parts of the meal Chazeret Is something bitter like lettuce. Symbolises the bitterness of slavery. Beitzah Traditionally, a hard boiled egg. Vegans use a vegan chocolate egg instead. The egg has many meanings Moaning to remember the templ...