
Showing posts from September, 2020

Fake sausages: are they worth it?

By  McDonald, T.   |  Date 29th of September 2020 Do you miss a good old fry up?  Are you having trouble converting to a vegetarian diet?  After years of trying i finally have found these chipolata style sausages from Plant Chef by Tesco.  I have to say that i loved these sausages and found myself asking are they really plant based?  Yes, they are that good!  So yes, i think these are worth trying. Here is my recipe for a vegetarian fry up.   Ingredients 2 Plant Chef chipolata sausages  1 egg Small amount of onion Small amount of bell pepper Cheese 1/2 tsp of garlic grapnels 3 button mushrooms 2 peeled plumb tomatoes Coriander  Chips or hash browns Method  Put the chips in a preheated oven.   Make the omelet mix by mixing together the egg, diced bell pepper, diced onion, chopped mushroom, diced cheese, garlic granules and coriander.  Leave to the side for now. Fry the chipolatas for 2 minutes each side and then put in the oven for 10 minutes. Heat the tomatoes in a saucepan.   Options

Mediterranean Butter Beans with Wholemeal Pasta

By   McDonald, T.   |  Date 17th of October 2020     If you like strong flavours, this is a must try.  The tomato sauce is bursting with flavour and the wholemeal pasta will keep hunger at bay for longer.  Easily veganized by omitting the pesto (pesto has cheese in) Servers 2 Ingredients 1.5 tsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp soya sauce 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped  1 tsp garlic granules  50g of chopped tomato 1/2 tsp of maple syrup 50g of butter beans, rinsed and drained  wholemeal or lentil pasta 1 carrot sliced 1/4 cup of peas Some Coriander, chopped 2 tablespoons of salsa 2 tsp of chilli and tomato pesto (leave this out if you want vegan) Salt to taste Apparatus Sharp knife Chopping board Saucepan Method Except for the coriander, put everything in a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes.  Ensure the pasta is tender before serving.  Use the coriander to garnish.  Tips  Soak the pasta for 20 minutes beforehand. Nutrition  Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit, but are classed

Apple Overnight oats For New Year

  By McDonald, T.   |  Updated 11th of March 2024.   What better way to start the year than with something sweet?  Food that symbolises the new year just got a lift with this easy to make all day breakfast.  You can eat this at any time of the day, and it will be both stratifying and filling, and it is 100% vegan.  The fruit symbolises the hope for a fruitful year ahead while the pomegranate represents the many bless we hope to receive. Completely delicious and symbolic making it idea for New Year. Serves 1 Ingredients 1/2 a cup of rolled oats  1 cup of soya milk  1 tsp chia seeds  1/2 an apple diced 1/4 of cinnamon   4 Crushed walnuts 4 Chopped pecan nuts   10g Sultanas  A sprinkle pomegranate seeds 5g of goji berries 1/2 tsp of vanilla essence  Salt to taste 1 tablespoon of maple syrup Apparatus A jar A sharp knife Method Using a mortar and pestle, crush the chia seeds.  This allows the body to absorb more of the nutrients within the seeds.  Put all the dry ingredien

Vegan Steak: what's the verdict?

  By McDonald, T.   |  Date 13th of September 2020   If you are looking for something stake like, I would definitely give this a try. It is 100% vegan and very tasty. The steak, which is made from roasted onion and pea protein, is from Plant Chef by Tesco and comes with a garlic melt.   First I fried the steak on both sides with some salt and black pepper for about 1-2 mins each side.   Once ready, I transferred the steak to the oven dish with the chips and cooked for 14 minutes turning halfway through.       After 14 minutes, place the garlic melt on top of the steak and cook for a further 2 minutes.     Take out of the oven an serve.  I had mine with chips veg and home made tomato sauce. My verdict on the steak is 9/10.  This was the best fake steak i have ever had and will diffidently by eating this again.  I hope you like my blog.