Vegan fish And Chips: Report
Written by McDonald, T. | Date 27th of September 2021 Abstract Fish and chips is a dish that many vegans say they miss, so i decided to make a vegan battered fish that was fun to eat. In the past I have tried making vegan fish with banana blossom, but did not get overwhelming positive feedback. Even I thought it was lacking in something too! In response to this, I decided to change the recipe a little and use tofu instead of banana blossom. I decided to stick with most of the recipe and followed the same method as in the last report. This worked out fine although the tofu fish, let us call it tofish, was a little thick and would have been better as a thinner slice. The batter was great though and all things considered it was better than the banana blossom fish. If I was going to do this again, I would cut a thinner slice of tofu and shape it to look a little bit more like fish. Index Introduction Literature search Procedure Results (This has the finished recipe