Genesis Outline 1-11

Written by McDonald, T. | Date 28th of February 2021 The Holy Bible is divided up into two section: The Old Testament and the New Testament. In turn these sections are further divided into section. The Old Testament: Pentateuch History books Poetic books Prophetic books The New Testament: The Gospels The Epistles Genesis is the first book of the Holy Bible and the Pentateuch otherwise known as the Torah. It tells the story of creation and humanities fall from grace. It all goes wrong from thereon in; nevertheless, God has a plan. Genesis is in two parts: Chapters 1-11 gives an account of creation and man's subsequent fall from grace. Includes Adam and Eve's family. Chapters 12-50 tells the story of Abraham and his family. Creation and subsequent events. (Chapters 1-11) God creates the world in a specific order. Days Let there be light. The light is separated from the darkness. God calls the light day and the dark night. (Tim...