Sunday Roast Ideas For Veganuary

By McDonald, T. | Date 3rd of January 2022
If you are planning to join in with veganuary, you will want to plan ahead. Sunday roast dinners have always been spectacular, so the vegan alternative needs to be a winner. Here are a few options to choose from including both mock meats and dinners without.
Mock Meats
Mock meats can take many forms, but all serve the purpose of replacing meat. There are chicken, beef and lamb alternatives and they come in different shapes and sizes.
No Beef Wellington
This is the kind of Sunday dinner that dreams are made of! Good enough for any occasion including Christmas and New Year dinners. It is a mock meat covered in a thick mushroom sauce, which in turn is covered in a light flaky pastry. This one taste great hot or cold the next day.
Vegan Roast
Although this is not really the time of year for this type of dinner, it does make a good meal if you are looking for something a little bit different for one of your veganuary Sunday dinners. Is very tasty and light on calories.

Hunter's Cabbage
This is a tasty dinner that if you serve it with roast potatoes and vegetable will sit well on any Sunday dinner table. Nice big chunk of cabbage topped with facon vegan BBQ sauce and vegan cheese alternative. The vegan cheese melts into the sauce and covers the facon and cabbage, making for a taste extravaganza!
No Mock Meats
If you don't like the texture of mock meats or just want something different, these vegan classics will keep your taste buds excited.
Eastern Style Roast Vegetable Dinner (Vegan)
This has greatness in every bite! Roasted vegetables are always good fun and the gravy on this dinner is amazing. Simple and tasty.
Nut Roast
A nut roast has been around for as long as I can remember. Although it is a safe bet for a Sunday dinner, it obviously contains nuts, which might not agree with some people or even be suitable. Provided that people don't have a nut allergy, this is an easy and tasty meal.
I hope you try out some of these dinners. Let me know what you think and please like, share and subscribe.
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