Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Apple pie flavoured overnight oats in a blue and white bowl with a red rim. Dried apple rings floating in the oasts and milk with seeds.

Written by McDonald, T.  |  Date 5th of August 2025

Overnight oats have to be the simplest breakfasts I know.  You put it together the night before and in the morning you have a great tasting highly nutritious breakfast that you just pour in a bowl and eat. Basic ingredients are rolled oast and soya milk.  Great for hot summer days.


  • Rolled oats are best otherwise if you use porridge oats, it will be all mushy. 
  • You can use any non-dairy milk you like.
  • You can eat it any time of day not just for breakfast.

Serves 1


  • 1/2 a cup (40 g) of rolled oats 
  • 1 cup (240 ml) of soya milk 
  • 1 tsp chia seeds  
  • 1 tsp of flaxseeds
  • 3 or 4 dried apple rings diced
  • 15g Sultanas  
  • 1 tsp of mixed spice  
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • Salt to taste, about 1/4 tsp


  • A jar


  1. Using a mortar and pestle, crush the chia seeds and flaxseeds.  This allows the body to absorb more of the nutrients within the seeds.
  2. Put the oats into the jar with the apple rings, sultanas, chia seeds, flax seeds, mixed spice and salt.  
  3. Poor the milk in and give it a good stir.  
  4. Place in a fridge overnight.  
  5. In the morning, the sultanas will be plump.  
  6. Stir and serve cold in a bowl.
How easy was that? 

I hope you liked this blog!  I would love to hear from you; especially if you tried this recipe out.  Have a great day!


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