Plastic Free Swap: Deodorant

Written by McDonald, T. | Date 12th of July 2022
You have decided to go plastic free and you notice that your deodorant has plastic lids, plastic spray mechanism or a plastic roller. Ugh! Not deterred, you look for something new. With the rubbish especially plastic piling up around the world we all need to change the way we think when we shop. Well, you have a few options to choose from and...and they are vegan too!

A way of avoiding the masses of unnecessary rubbish is not to buy stuff in packaging especially plastic. All the following are plastic free and vegan, meaning they are cruelty-free.
Primal Suds
The No Bo Bar is from Primal Suds. It comes wrapped in paper and in a cotton bag. Although the cotton bag is reusable and compostable, it seems unnecessary until you want to take your toiletries with you somewhere. Since it is a bar, you apply it like a roll on or rub on. This too, like all the others, is very expensive! Nonetheless, it does work; it kept we dry all day.
All the options came from Enviroli.

I like this because it has a great and interesting variety to choose from. I have tried a few and they smell great but not over powering. Lasts for a while, but it seems expensive. Comes in a cardboard tube with a cardboard lid and base.
Rugged Nature
This comes in an aluminium tin, making it very zero waste because aluminium is indefinitely recyclable. It does the job of keeping me fresh all day, but a 50g tin is not going to last long. Unfortunately, like all the over vegan deodorants, it is very expensive! What I like about this deodorant is it is easy to carry around with me.
Earth Conscious
Again, this was expensive! It did, however, seem a little easier to apply, but I started to smell in the late evening! Not good, especially at this critical time. On the plus side, it did smell nice earlier in the day.
The hunt for a cheaper option
I heard of other options that are cheaper, including making my own. After conversations with other zero waste vegans on Reddit, I found out about Wild, a deodorant, I could buy at Sainsbury's. When I went looking for it though, I was not being stocked in any local shops, boo! You, however, might have better luck, or you can just buy it online. This was a much cheaper option that has an aluminium container and is refillable.
Since writing this blog, my Mum found a Sainsbury's that stocked Wild. The initial pay out was high because of getting the container, but the refills are so much cheaper.
This comes in an aluminium container and has a great selection of refillable options. It did the job and lasted all day.
I hope you decide to try one or more of the products. If you do, please let me know what you thought in the comments below. Please like, share with your friends and subscribe. See you soon.
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