Written by McDonald, T. | Date 21st of June 2021
I used to love star Trek as a kid and have spent many hours watching it as an adult. Subsequently, i and many others noticed a Bajoran food called hasperat in Deep Space Nine. Although it is not clear what Hasperat is, this is my interpretation of this classic DS9 food. If you want to know how i arrived at this recipe, please read my report on it titled, Rebel Region Hasperat Wraps: the report.
Short term
- Tortilla wrapper (but only if you use the store bought ones otherwise it is zero)
Long term
Zero unless you make your own tortillas in which case you will have flour a bag and a glass bottle from the oil.
Serves 2
- Tortillas x 2 or 3
- Avocado x 1
- Onion x 1/2 a large
- Gloves of garlic x 2
- Bell pepper x 1/2
- Mustard and horseradish x 1 tsp
Part 1
- Cut the avocado in half, remove the stone in the middle and scrape out the avocado into a bowl with a spoon.
- Mash the avocado with a folk.
Mashed avocado |
Part 2
- Finely
chop the onion, bell pepper, garlic and chilli. Add this to the
avocado mash and mix.
- Add the mustard and horseradish.
Hasperat filling.
Part 3
- Lay the tortilla on a plate.
- Spread the filling over the middle of the tortilla.
- Wrap up the tortilla.
Filling spread over tortilla
First stage of the wrapping process
Second stage of wrap
Third stage of wrap
Completed Hasperat
Tastes amazing! I found this was a lot easier to wrap up than the previous version and was easier to eat with just my hands.
the finished project is very close to zero waste, it is not completely
zero waste. Food waste, however, is small and is not hazardous to any
wildlife and the glass jar is easier to recycle.
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