Vegan Pasties

By McDonald, T. | Date 25th of November 2021

Sometimes only a pasty will do.  For it to be satisfying, it will need a great light flaky pastry and a tasty filling.  In our case it will need to be 100% vegan too! These pasties are 100% vegan, but which one is the best?

Ginsters Vegan Pasties

Ginsters have two great options to choose from that I have seen. One is a Moroccan vegetable pasty and the other is a Quorn one.  First, i will examine the Quorn pasty.  To be honest, i was not looking forward to this one, but once i tried it i loved it.  I was impressed by the way it tasted just like a meat pasty.  I loved the white pepper spicy taste and the filling.  Much better than i expected. 

Vegan Quorn Pasty
Ginsters Vegan Quorn Pasty

Next the Moroccan vegetables pasty.  This was fantastic and I loved every bit of it. This is something that i will have again in the future because the pastry was amazing and the filling was spicy and fun to eat.  What a great pasty!

Fry's Pasty

As far as I am aware, Fry's only have one pasty and it is called a 'Med Veg and Squash Slice'.  The pastry is just as good as the Ginsters pasties and is very tasty too. It was, however, very different from a traditional pasty.

All the pasties where great, so it was difficult to choose a winner.  However, in the end I think the Ginsters Moroccan veg pasty was the best, but only just.  This was closely followed by the Ginsters Vegan Quorn pasty, which was more like a traditional Cornish pasty. 

If you try these out, let me know what you thought or if you have any suggestions of vegan pasties then post them in the comments. 


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