Carpenter’s Soup

By McDonald, T. | Date 29th of June 2020
This meal is very quick and easy to prepare, yet still packs a lot of flavour. Humble and light meal that is great with some sourdough. 100% vegan. It is worth noting, although very rare, some backers use milk to make the sourdough instead of water making the sourdough not vegan.
- Broccoli
- Green Lentils 1/3 of a can
- Cabbage
- A tomato
- Horseradish source
- Veggie stock cube
- 1/2 tsp of tarmac
- 1/2 tsp of paprika
- Suitable sized source pan
- Sharp knife
- Wooden spoon
- Chopping board
- Measuring jug
Chop the broccoli, cabbage and tomato into bit size pieces and put them in the saucepan. Add the green lentils. Make the stock in the measuring jug with the tarmac and paprika. Poor in the stoke and bring to the boil. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook until broccoli is tender. Serve with spilt bread.
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