What To Put In A Vegan Sandwich?

By McDonald, T.  |  Date 3rd of January 2021

This is the age of the vegan, so answering the question about what to put in a sandwich is easier than ever.  There is a great selection of vegan mock meats and cheese alternatives to choose from.  

Mock meats

First up is Squeaky Bean, a top name for those deli counter slices for that hunger busting sandwich.  There are many types including:

  • Pastrami.
  • Roast Chicken Flavour.
  • Chicken Kebab Style.
  • Italian Ham Style.

I have only one main test, which I call the cold and naked test.  This involves eating a slice cold and on its own and if it tastes OK, it passes the test.   With this in mind, how did the mock meats do?  Well, Squeaky Bean scored highly for me with all tasting great!  They make excellent sandwich fillings going magnificently with some vegan mayonnaise and some salad.   I must admit I enjoyed these a lot. 

Squeaky Bean Italian Style Ham on a wooden chopping board
Squeaky Bean Italian Style Ham

Squeaky Bean Pastrami  on a wooden chopping board
Squeaky Bean Pastrami

Next up is Vegan Quorn another great brand.  You will need to be careful with this brand as it has vegetarian mock meats as well, so check to make sure you have the vegan option. The two vegan options at the time of writing are:

  • Vegan Chicken Free Slices
  • Vegan Smoky Ham Free Slices

I applied the Cold and naked test and found that the Vegan Chicken Free Slices only just passed; however, these did go well in a sandwich with salad or vegan mayo.  The Smoky Ham Free Slices were a lot better in my opinion and passed the test.  They also made a great filling for a sandwich. 

Cheese Alternatives

Again there is quiet a selection to choose from.  Plant pioneers, violife and Free From are the ones i shall be looking at.  It is worth noting, the alternative to cheese products come as blocks or slices giving more options for that lunchtime sandwich.  You can even get it grated if you can't be bothered to do it yourself!

Plant pioneers has a Wensleydale and cranberry cheese alternative that is brilliant.  It comes wrapped in wax and tastes amazing!

Violife has many different products to choose from.  The ones I have tried so far are all fantastic!  They are as follows:

  • Original Flavour Slices.  These are great because you can just pop a slice in a sandwich and it will taste fab. 
  • Original Flavour Block. A bit more work to prepare, but it tastes just fine sliced or grated.

It is worth noting, Violife comes with the Vegan Society Logo

Free From is another one that is not always vegan, so do check before buying.  However, the cheese is vegan. This time i have not only tried the slices and block versions but the cream cheese alternative too.

  • Cheddar style with caramelised onion. (Sainsbury's Free From)
  • Original alternative to soft cheese spread (Sainsbury's Free From)
  • Alternative to jalapeno and chilli cheese slices (Tesco Free From)

With cheese, there is an extra important test: do it melt OK?  The answer to that question is yes.  All the cheese alternatives I tested melted fine. 


  • Did they taste like cheese? Yes.
  • Did they taste OK cold and naked? Yes.
  • Did they melt OK? Yes.
  • Did they work in a sandwich? Yes. 

With such a great choice of mock meats and alternative cheeses being vegan has never been so easy!  Please subscribe to my blog and spread the word by sharing this post. 


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