Church Services Go Online

Since the lockdown, churches have long last had to think outside of the box when it comes to reaching people. Many churches had no option but to live stream and post content online, which has been great for many of us that can’t get to church in the first place. Here are some of the best services, churches, preachers and priests I could find. St Mary’s parish in Ottawa (Catholic) Holy Mass @St. Mary's(May 14, 2020) This was one of the best services I have ever witnessed! The singing was beautiful, I really liked the strong evangelical message and I agree with the comment that broadcasting services should be the norm. You must ask yourself, 'Do I want to reach as many people as possible.' If the answer is yes, then posting to the internet is the way to go. I am very excited after attending mass at this church. I liked this so much that I have been to mass everyday this week. Both Fr. Mark Goring and Fr. Ken Lao are brilliant with go...