All Saints Annual Plant Sale Is A Raging Success!

By T. McDonald | 30/05/19 All Saints Church in Newmarket , Suffolk, UK held a n event to raise money for the c hurch b y selling plants , which took place on Tuesday the 28 th of May . The wall just outside the front of the church was covered in a great selection of interesting plants. I had a good look before settling on a tray of Begonia Lotto. Tea and cake were available Inside the church with some delightful conversation from all those inside. In addition, I spoke to Max Osborne, the vicar at the church who told me about the cornerstone project, which this year was the reason for the plant sale. The project aims to improve that accessibility of the church to all people of all abilities. Furthermore, Max hopes to provide usable facilities to the community such as an office for counselling and changing rooms for those with a radar key. The church also has plans to revamp the current k...